SAPRO switches advertisement production to ProcSet

In an extremely tight timeframe, SAPRO’s entire typesetting production was switched to ProcSet Workflow Solution. A particular challenge was to connect the very different publishing production systems so that all the workflows on the publishing side could continue to exist without any changes.
This challenging task was possible thanks to the especially competent and cooperative collaboration between the employees at SAPRO and ProcSet as well as the flexible system design, which allows for quick adjustments without large programming expenses. In particular, the employees at SAPRO appreciate the extensive options for directly editing print templates in a browser.
This saves valuable time and accelerates the entire production process.
Since 1985 SAPRO has done business in pre-press and as a DTP studio with growing success. Roughly 80 employees ensure the quantity and quality of the daily production. SAPRO supports its customers during the planning of the outsourcing and paves the way for the smooth outsourcing of production.